Is it worth sponsoring UGC?

I made my first UGC recently and researched ways of advertising. Some people say that sponsor ad is waste of money, others say that it helps a lot. How did you advertise your content?


Best way to get people to notice your UGC is make a homestore and show that off, it wont ensure sales but it will ensure people will see it and the chances of someone buying it go up, most people note the advertising doesnt really work, I know personally I avoid things that are advertised to me however if someone makes a nice homestore worth exploring I do want to support them


If you ugc item is beautiful and creative you might be has chance to popular with no use any ads

But if you wants to help it boosters you can sometimes it might be not help enough to made it popular.

But what if I uploaded only 1 UGC? Creating homestore for only one UGC is weird a bit.

in for a penny in for a pound, I think homestores are one of the best ways of advertising

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I have sponsored some items and sometimes the algorithm picked it up long term even after my sponsors for a long time, and 90% of the time sponsors do nothing at all and I get like 1-2 sales even after hundreds of thousands of people seeing them even if over 200+ people have clicked on the item you never make your money back unless the algorithm picks it up. I have tons of unique items even ones that used to sell like 2k sales a day slowed to nothing when the algorithm stopped promoting it, advertising never works 90% of the time and you just lose all your robux you spent. The advertising system for UGC is so weak, even my items I got on daily picks got like 100-200 sales for the entire day for the items and then nothing afterwards. The algorithm really sucks with getting your items seen.

I will test spending some money on ads on my homestore and see how that works.


Update: I ran sponsored ads on my game and I got no sales in the last 48 hours but I got likes on my game and some visits. I didn’t spend a ton since I didn’t expect it to turn out to anything but ya there are my findings. UGC ads are basically useless all around. Before you could advertise with free lims and sell your UGC on pls donate sometimes to people it worked a lot, but now its no longer in pls donate and since UGC went public and they changed the prices of free lims its to expensive to promote yourself that way too. It’s just a mess.

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