Is it worth using shortcuts

Well, what’s the con of this? I don’t really think there is any? It’s just a shortcut, and it is helpful, yes.


Yeah I use them myself, I’m trying to convince my friend from a poll that they are worth using especially as a builder.


It really is worth it! It saves a lot of your time if you are a full time modeler like me. I use blender and studio, so just memorize the shortcuts!


Copy and paste sucks (most of the time) since it abides by collision rules. CTRL + N just creates a new studio tab.

CTRL + D is where it’s at. (edit: Shortcuts are) essential for being a developer for any game in any engine.

Its way better to use shortcuts than to press a button to duplicate. There aren’t really any cons to using shortcuts, like @ScytheSlayin said.

My opinion

Yes, shortcuts are very helpful. Without shortcuts, you need to go to where the tool is, which takes a lot more of your time.
Basically with shortcuts you can make things quicker.

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Of course, once you get used to them. Why wouldn’t they be worth using? It makes it much easier and faster to do things.

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I don’t really use Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V since a great replacement for it would be another shortcut that you mentioned for duplicating assets, Ctrl + D, personally I feel like it just saves time. And lastly, Ctrl + N, I don’t really use that shortcut either so I can’t say much about it.

Overall, these shortcuts would be really helpful in building and would make the process go quicker, but that’s just how it is for me, I would assume its different for other people.


I use shortcuts all the time. Very useful when you need precise measurements and I would recommend using it.

I didn’t know there were shortcuts for building :astonished:

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Just would like to point out even if you don’t know Shortcuts doesn’t mean they’re not useful. Maybe try and do the short cuts he listed and try the normal way after then come back to it.

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I will !
But, I don’t know what they do…

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Shortcuts make things much easier if you know the correct keys! Don’t duplicate what you want to delete. Lol.

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That’s like asking if it’s better to walk straight to the destination, (with nothing really stopping you in this case) or do the most curved route possible. I mean, it’s called a SHORTCUT for a reason.

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I use shortcuts all the time, this sheet is super helpful


Using shortcuts are great and are usually taught in some classes where computers are in some of it.

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I don’t personally use them myself, however, there is nothing negative about using them.

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Well…I will try to use them because they sound epic !

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Thank you for all your feedback, shortcuts are the future! They are much quicker and to get things done and focus more on what your working on than working out where the duplicate button is. :+1: Thanks for your support.


At first, using hotkey might slow you down. But once you get used to it. It’ll speed you up real fast. I really recommend using it at any opportunity.