Thanks to @2Hex for his studio hotkey cheat sheet. It’s very useful, and more people should have as look at it!
will also highlight the move increment box, which is super useful for builders.
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Ctrl + Shift + Z will also undo your undo (If that makes sense)
I believe the correct term is “redo” but I think I like “undo your undo” better
2Hex has made quite a few hotkey sheets prior to this one, and they are incredibly helpful, not to mention they are put together beautifully. I wish that they would be featured here.
F2 - rename
Alt + R - Change Rotation Interval
Shift + 2 - Change Move Interval
F5 - Pause
Shift + F5 - Stop
F1 - Open Wiki
Also this
I only listed the really basic one people would normally use. I should’ve put Pause and Stop in there.
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