Is it wrong calling Gamepasses DLC to make your game more user-friendly?

Greetings! I am trying to make my game as user friendly as possible, so in the next update to my next game, I am going to call Gamepasses, simply just DLC.

I understand that DLC means Downloadable Content, but game passes are kinda a way of downloading extra content to your Roblox profile.

If you don’t like my move of making my game more user-friendly for players, please explain below, and an alternative name to game passes that could make my game more user-friendly.

Thanks in advance!

Im not sure but there really is no point in calling it dlc. I would just call it gamepass or gamepass shop etc.


I don’t think the average user that just joined Roblox knows what a gamepass is. Im just trying to simplify It as much as possible.


I think you should call it Gamepasses (normal name)
Or Shop
Or Bonuses

Since it’s not really a DLC


To make things even more user friendly, you can call them “in-game power ups”


DLC is an expansion to a game that is as good as bringing in a whole new game (new story, new world, a huge amount of new tools for example) - “Double tires” is just a gamepass.


An average Roblox player who just joined will not see your game. They’ll be touring discovery or search results first.

Plus, a DLC would refer to something way more significant than a slight boost, like how @CraX_573 said it.

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DLC makes sense if your content is an expansion or is cosmetic. Numerical changes fall more into the realm of powerups/boosts.

From what I’ve seen, most devs call it “Passes & Boosts” which covers everything.

Alright, I changed it back last minute before releasing next beta.

It is now Passes.


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