Is Jesus banned on Roblox?

Just as its written, if I make a skin that looks like Jesus but I name it “TerminatorV-003” would it be against the TOS?


Thanks for helping.


It’s allowed but you have to be careful since Roblox does have rules about “discriminatory speech or action” against Religion or religious beliefs which the name “TerminatorV” attached to “Jesus” may offend someone (idk?).

It should be perfectly fine though, also it depends on what you are going to do with the model too keep that in mind.


Basically, Im working for a game that has the role of “Wizard” which revives the 1 person that has died in the past, and I was thinking of putting this skin but I don’t know exactly if only the presence of it is bannable

Nope you should be fine, it’s very controversial and is in a grey area but the worst that would happen is roblox giving you warning to take the controversial content out of the game. (its in a gray area since roblox seems to censor religious speech but allows games with religious content)

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Is Jesus banned on roblox? I sure hope not, I was going to send him a friend request!

Potentially, calling a religious figure a cyber/robotic name could be slightly offensive for some people, but I wouldn’t know.

Makes sense, but I think you should make a wizard character instead. It’s fine though if you don’t want to.

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It depends. Games about religion aren’t really “banned” I guess, as I have seen many about religion. So this shouldn’t get banned, or be against the Roblox T.O.S. I’m pretty sure this is allowed. They haven’t stopped other religious models and games, so this should be A-OK.

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People wore robes back in Jesus’ day. It’s normal for a man to do that.


It should be okay. As long if you maybe only use it when you wanna build a church in your experiences.


it’s alright, just keep away from using it for offending purposes like saying that christ is non-existent etc. You should be fine.

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