Is kamikaze against TOS?

I have a naval game that has been getting more and more players recently. One of the mechanics of the game is that if an aircraft crashes into a ship, it will deal damage. On some occasions, the ship had been very damaged that one kamikaze was able to sink it.

I have been asked to create a badge for the game that will award when a player sinks a ship via kamikaze. Now my question is, is making a “kamikaze” badge allowed on Roblox? Of course, I wouldn’t directly say “kamikaze” in the badge but maybe an alternate title.

Here’s an example of “kamikaze” attacks that happen in-game:

I don’t think so, this happens in many different games of different genres. I’ve seen this kind of feature in Fighting, FPS, Naval, and Military. Though I haven’t seen a game give a badge for it, but I don’t think it’d be against the TOS.


This is most definitely against the ToS, anything that has to do with tragic event’s evolving the death’s of many live’s is not appropriate for roblox and best’s suit’s your history class.

If you’re implying my game is set in WW2, it isn’t. The ships/planes are not based on any real-life vehicle, and the factions are fictional.

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Well in google it says that kamikaze attacks are suicide so it’s probably not a good idea to promote players in doing them. But if you really want to add a badge like that I suggest renaming it to something else and you should be fine.

well, seeing as there are powerups for example in super bomb survival, which let you explode after death, and there doesn’t seem to be any explicit violence, this should be fine

While kamikadze, being basically suicide, might be against tos, simply crashing your plane into a ship doesnt sound very inappropiate. Possibly give your badge a name suggesting the crash was more of a stupid mistake or accident instead of intended suicide.