Is Making a Game Without Builders Club Worth It?

I mean the ToS doesn’t say I can’t get investors so…

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Don’t find investors or advertisements with only 40 Robux, organic game growth is better. You have many resources to perform this: just sparking word of mouth anywhere is good enough. Show off your creation here on the DevForum, get it QA tested (can gain traction there), so on.

Developing a game without Premium is absolutely worth it. At the moment, the majority of Roblox features have been publicly unlocked so you don’t need Premium unless you’re a dedicated solo creator and need a monthly boost. Any other benefit Premium gives is extraneous because this is only a discussion related to the beginnings of your game.

The only hindrance you have right now may be the marketplace fee. If you can, try and get enough Robux to make a group and then the issue of marketplace fee will clear itself off the table as well as accounting for potential future developer or contractor payments.

You should definitely have some semblance of a minimum viable product at the very least when going forward. That’s the most important factor beyond anything else. If your game is able to gain some traction, then you’re likely set as far as being able to earn from it goes as well.