Is Making a Game Without Builders Club Worth It?

I am currently considering making a game, but since I don’t have builders club (and I have only 40 :robux_gold: ), is it worth it at all? The marketplace fee is 90% of what I earn.

Thank you and have a nice day :smiley:


If your hoping to make money from those games then in my opinion it isn’t worth it. But if you are just creating those games for the fun of it then go for it!


Generally, you shouldn’t waste your time on creating games without having BC.

Say you have made 100 thousand robux off of your game; the price you would receive in robux would be 10 thousand. In my opinion, that isn’t good at all, not even decent.

Even if you aren’t creating your game for robux, you’ll still need robux for developers (if you’re hiring), and generally speaking, you’re going to want robux one time or another anyway.

Yes. If you create a group and use the group as the game owner, you can get BC rates indefinitely for a flat fee and only a month of BC.

Without a group or BC, you honestly should not be trying to monetize your game.


You don’t need to commit to buying anything before you’ve completed your game.

If you finish and release it, and then it picks up traction, you’ll then have a good case for purchasing it. If it doesn’t pick up traction, then you’ve not wasted a penny.


If you haven’t started on your game then BC would be a waste of money. Of course you should get it closer to launch though. If someone offers you 70% profits or 10% profits you’ll most likely be happier with 70%.

Yea, it would be worth getting, it doesn’t just benefit income, it benefits you in the overall economy of roblox, allowing you to buy, sell, and trade items. If you ever plan on turning that profit into real money, the Dev Exchange requires you to have it.


If you’re still weary about it, I strongly agree with @Aerosphia and think that is a good reason.

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You can get game supporters to aid you if the game is good.

What you can do is keep making your game and when its like 60%- 80% complete you can then purchase premium. As @teslobo mentioned.


Ask someone with premium to create a group for you. Then create the game on name of the group so you only have a 30% marketplace fee on your game purchases.

This is what I usually do, I haven’t spent any real money on this.

Getting Free BC yourself
This sounds kind of sketchy and well it does seem sketchy but it’s reliable. If you didn’t know, Microsoft offers rewards for using their search engine Bing, one of the rewards is a 10$ Microsoft Giftcard. Please note that this method requires windows 10 operating and make sure that you have the ROBLOX app installed. If you decide to grind the rewards system you’ll be able to get BC every month.

Asking a friend
If you don’t have a Windows 10, or unable to install the ROBLOX app (the reason you need it is because it directly charges your microsoft account if you are logged in) then your next option would be to make a group, and then ask a friend to change the prices for you. (This will change the rates)

I do have Windows 10 so I will give it a shot!

Yes. I would go for it!

If you’re aiming to get money, then you should earn some extra few 'bucks. (Depending on what your game idea is, of course.)

Make something unique, something users would want to play.

You don’t have to buy anything before you’ve made your game. Although, I would try and earn some money before you make anything, so when your game releases you can sponsor / advertise it at your will.

Hope this helps.

I’d say it’s worth it. However, if you want to earn large amounts of robux off of it you should get Premium (I think Builders Club doesn’t exist anymore) and Premium also lowers the marketplace fee, I think.

Yes! But, what I’d recommend is buying a group. When you get a group, you basically avoid those fees and get the rate of premium. But, if you ever want to devex, you need to get premium. But at that point, you’re at a financial state where you can buy premium and get a large return on it.

In your case I would try to find an investor. Investors would invest R$ to your game. Differently said, they would invest to your developers [in case you want to work as a team]. 40 R$ is not enough to sponsor your game.
10,000 - 100,000 R$ is enough to make a good sponsor of your game. It’s a lot, but if you are quite sure you can succeed and earn more than that thanks to your game, then there won’t be any problem. However if the game doesn’t succeed, I 'm quite sure that investors won’t bother with that., since it’s their risk and fault to invest in the game. I’m not myself investor and I don’t want to be. It’s a risky job. Keep in mind that some investors would want % of your game, however you will need a group for that.

Good luck!

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You should totally make a game even without BC, don’t make a game with the mindset of making money. Focus on making the game and if it turns out well, THEN you can go purchase premium.


One word (or alot more…), Yes. Firstly, get a commision, and advertise yourself. Next create a group, as far as I know you no longer need Premium to create yourself a group (I haven’t tested it, though so dont 100% count on that.) Make your game there, and you’re all set. Perhaps get yourself a few investors to help advertise, and best of luck to ya! :slight_smile: (I can give you an old airport group if you’d like, you no longer need Premium to transfer group owners either! :smiley: (will take a bit, tested the no premium owner transfer with my brother, he’ll have to get on))

I thought investing in games was against the ToS.

I’m not sure about that, since I saw a lot of people doing it, but make sure to check that out so you can be 100% sure it’s not against ToS. I don’t see any possible movement to succeed on Roblox than getting an investor. Otherwise only luck would help you.