I like playing Texas hold ‘em poker and I was wondering about making a Roblox game on it. Then one question came up to my mind, is it against Roblox TOS ?
That’s the main reason of my topic, I’d like to know if creating a such game is against Roblox TOS, like if it’s only a fictive currency that you can’t buy with real money but win it with quests and get some free chips daily, would that be possible ?
Edit : And If it’s possible, can the game be monetized through gamepasses or dev products ?
All casino games are allowed on roblox. All casino games that involve robux are not. If you are able to purchase the currency which you gamble with, with robux, you’ll get banned. If you aren’t, you wont.
I’m not 100% sure however it seems that the daily rewards are how players gain money to gamble with (like pokerstars vr) so it could be seen as technically buying the currency with robux.
Yeah I see what you mean, that’s a way to get more money to gamble with so I’d rather avoid getting banned for that. I won’t make it until I know it’s either 100% legit or bannable. Thanks for your help!