Is Moon Animator Worth it?

There was another topic with the exact same title, so here are my thoughts.

Continuing the discussion from Is moon animator worth it?:


blender is harder than moon animator, you have to export an .obj file and import it to blender

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The question: Is it worth it?

Yes, it is, i got it back when it was free so i didn’t had to buy it, but thats not what we’re talkin’ abt here, Moon animator is very easy to learn and use, tbh i have never used the default roblox animator plugin, and i suck at it, while moon animator is very easy and has a lot of easing styles that can make your animations a whole lot more better.
So yes, if you could afford it, Buy it!


I was never thinking about it until I checked my group funds and realised I have over 1k in there so I could buy Moon Animator. This was really helpful and was just an icing on top for my decision to try to get adjusted to blender for the second time. Hopefully its worth it.

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I had gotten the original version free, had a very good experience with it, but after they went paid I found that some of the features I used to use sort of weren’t quite right anymore, it almost felt as if they somehow managed to un-polish it? Some of the UI became sort of confusing.

Afterwards I looked into the Blender option for animating and it really isn’t that difficult at all, you just have to install the right plugin for Studio and Blender, and through the plugin in Studio it should allow you to upload your models as .obj.

There’s also some decent tutorials on the Blender method and, last time I had searched for tutorials on Moon Animator, they were all still of the older versions, which might’ve changed since.


Fun fact about the whole “restart required” thing of moon - it’s useless.
You can safely remove the check and, surprise surprise: nothing bad happens, and neither studio or moon spontaneously combust. the plugin functions as usual.

it’s probably an ancient relic that xsixx just… decides to keep in for whatever reason? it’s the same person who continues to use _G and getfenv/setfenv, despite both being pretty much deprecated…

Same for “Invalid Plugin”, it’s probably just an attempt to stop bots that reupload plugins with malicious code injected into it. Could also say that it’s an anti-piracy measure that is… pretty poor.

Also not using widgets imo, is a con. I have a pretty small monitor (1440x900), so I already have little space to work with. Having moon open means I have to sacrifice most of my viewport space.

and before you tell me to upgrade. I can’t. I literally cannot afford a new monitor atm.


So not worth it?

already answered that question in an earlier reply

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Oh okay, my bad I didn’t realise you were the same people.

My Experience: Moon Animator is a plugin that I’ve had the opportunity to use, and I found it to be quite useful, especially considering that it was available for free, but now paid. It’s great for creating basic animations, and with some effort, you can produce decent content. However, it’s essential to set realistic expectations, as no matter how much time and effort you invest in it, it won’t yield results comparable to a Pixar or any other high-end animated movie.

Recommendation: If you’re looking for a tool to quickly create simple animations or just have fun with it, Moon Animator is kinda worth a try. However its paid and if you have some expierence with blender, go try it beacause it might be your next best friend :slight_smile:

Overall Rating: Considering its free availability ( not anymore ) and usefulness for basic animations, I’d give it a solid rating. However, keep in mind that it paid. So if you really want to use it, buy it and if you want not to use it, then go with other alternatives. Like blender as i said or maybe other plugins.


When it was free it was worth it, but it is no longer worth it anymore.

Please do not purchase moon animator, and use the default roblox animator or blender instead!
Moon animator has a few useful features, and I mean ONLY a few.

There’s barely ANY pros to buying this over using blender or the original animator,

As I said, xsixx turned into Mr. Krabs “I want big money!!!” in like 2 days.
^ unfunny joke :neutral_face:


moon animation is kinda worth it and you should buy it because you can make epik animations like this

One Two Buckle My Shoe | Roblox animation - YouTube

I decided to stick to some free plugins like cutscenify then move to blender when I get the chance. I have the funds to buy moon animator so if I do feel like it is the only choice I will buy it