Is my current game enough to sponsor or what should I improve?

Hello! I am making a game called obby racer 2. I am currently working on this game. I am not a builder but I will hire one so please don’t rate the builds. So, I feel like this game is too simple but I have no idea what to add or improve. Thanks!
Here’s the game: Obby Racer 2 (WIP) - Roblox

I think the game is fun but it really lacks polish

  • The fade animation doesn’t go to the top (there’s a property of screen gui called IgnoreGuiInset you should enable. There is no GuiInset when play testing in studio, so this issue is only on the roblox player)
  • The UI animations does not run every frame which triggers me
  • The throne thing doesn’t show the players (the character’s rig seems to be loaded at the wrong spot?)
  • There is only one map (Making randomly generated maps would be something to consider)
  • There is a 1 pixel gap between the Spectate and Shop UI (maybe something specific to my monitor’s size, which is 1920x1080)

The UI could also have some work
I also got to level 10 after playing like three games (one of which I failed near the beginning)

Also, the game broken when an other player left the game, it’s stuck on the Game Ended screen

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