Is my game even worth continuing?

So I have recently created and published a new game of mine: Slide of Hell [❄️NEW] - Roblox. I spent about 5k robux to sponsor the game over the span of 3 days and it gained around 1k visits, but there was no sales from any of the gamepasses or dev products (is this normal?). I have 50k robux from another game that I can use to keep sponsoring, but I honestly feel like that will get me nowhere.

I am wondering if continuing to invest anymore robux into this game is even worth it? Is the game not fun enough? Is there too much competition for this type of game? Or is it simply too early to question the games success?

Any feedback is appreciated especially if you are experienced on this matter, thanks for your time!


I played the game and I must say that it is quite engaging, However. I believe that it could benefit from some improvements to make it more fun to younger audiences because older audiences wont play it. For instance, adding more flashing lights and speed, which could make the game more enjoyable for them. Additionally, making the game easier could prevent kids from getting frustrated and ragequitting. and remember to give them dopamine rushes. for example kids play things like click to get speed kind of things.

Overall, I think that your game has a lot of potential, and with some minor tweaks, it could become even more popular.

I will try to tweak the game to make it more visually appealing and also easier. I feel like players ragequitting is a big problem that I should fix. I have noticed that players seem to die like 5 times and then leave the game. I am assuming those are kids on mobile who find the game too difficult as well. Thanks and I appreciate your feedback!