Is my game fun?

H - Roblox
And if this game is fun what should i add to this to make this fully made game and I need propositions beacuse I have no idea what i’m doing.

What is this game all about?? When I look around it makes the contrast higher.

Also, I only see a bean on a table

In my opinion, I think this needs some more work (add more stuff in game)

I do like some aspects of the game though, just that it is too simple

well i have no idea what to add to this game

Since the title is about bean, maybe you can remove contrast ( cuz it’s unnecessary)

make the bean and the table interactable, and when u click on the bean it’ll do something (like teleport , make contrast high ,create new level or something like that)

Change texture and skybox of the map.

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well bean is an character but you can’t see that bc i made it not visible for client and only other client can see that

I can see it only when the contrast gets high.

You can make The bean and the table visible, and then add more stuff after that

i made bean invisible for the client beacuse it was lagging and i made it only visible for the rest of server

Make the bean less laggier then. ( check if there any textures,decals that lag out the game and if there is, replace them)

Once your done, make it visible for client and whole server

i mean player is the bean

so he can’t see himself

Ohhhhhh sorry I didn’t know that.

Make it a player by renaming bean StarterCharacter then put in StarterPlayer!

what about making it game like with levels and make something like puzzles like you need to make this object visible solve puzzle