Is my game Idea Flawed?

So I made a game that I thought was a pretty cool concept it’s basically murder mystery but with sheep and a farmer that has to find a wolf among the sheep. It’s been out for a bit and i’ve run a few ads but nothing seems to drag players in. Does the game lack depth? Does it lack replayability? Is it just not fun? I just want to figure out how I could get more players to join and keep coming back. So any thoughts are helpful.
Game Link: A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing (Halloween!) - Roblox

I can’t test your game since I am on my phone right now. But maybe it isn’t you’re game that is the problem, it could be that the ads just aren’t interesting what do they look like

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Yeah, the normal ads were pretty bad lol. I just thought that at least some people would click the sponsored ads because the icon looks cool.
Here is one of the ads:
Wolf in sheeps clothing ad

Another Problem might be just the game doesn’t have enough players to start. If you don’t have 3 people in then they won’t even get to try the game. I think the game is a good concept, I don’t think it’s flawed.


Yeah… I wouldn’t click on that. Making Roblox ads is like making YouTube thumbnails, you need to make it look good, add colours that make you pay attention like red for example

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Thanks, I think I just need to get an ad to run and get a few people playing so that more players would stay

Since the game is based on Halloween I think you can have fully red blood like font text to catch people’s attention

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Yeah, I’m not great at ad design (Or any Art stuff for that matter lol) So I think I’ll get someone to make a good one for me.

Yeah, but that one was only for the Halloween event so I have to think of an original design now lol.

Game ideas hardly matter on roblox nowadays: it just depends who made the game and how well it is advertised. For instance, there is a game that is just a white room with nothing in it… no scripts either. That has reached over 1M visits and has hundreds of concurrent players.


That’s very true. game discovery on Roblox is difficult. So I’m probably going to get a nice ad made so I can try to run it and maybe get a few players. (Most players don’t actually come directly from the ad, instead, it’s friends of people who have played it that see it in their recommended tab)


It seems like the problem has been identified soo now how are you gonna fix it?

I do like your game idea though, it is very creative. The best thing you could do for your game is get a youtuber or popular individual to play it/advertise it for you. But as we all know: that isn’t always easy.

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Creating a good ad is my best bet

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There’s no image on the games’ page and the description’s story isn’t explicit enough on what the gameplay is imo. I’m not a fan of the mixing styles of UI between the textured signboards and wooden backgrounds to solid greys and half-transparent frames. A little too much of the screen is taken up by UI as well. Would like it if the lobby was livelier as well, say some music, animated sheep roaming the pasture, maybe some animated foliage. Other than that, I wish I could critique gameplay but there’s no one to get a match with.
*So little sound effects it feels quite empty too


Yeah, the time I had the most players was when I got a small streamer to play it. Seems like the best option other than advertising

Yes, when I was commissioned to make some UI for a game, flamingo played it. Now it has 500M+ visits. :woman_shrugging:

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Wow lol, Youtubers/Streamers are the best way to get players now it seems

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Your main solution is to not give up. I know that may sound a bit cheesy, but it’s true.

That is the truth. You never get anywhere if you don’t try, thanks for all the ideas and help!

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