Hello DevForum! I’m in need of some feedback for the user experience for my game.
For context, my game’s idea is based off of the game “Slap Battles”, but it’s very user friendly so you don’t need any knowledge whatsoever to get started. It’s also based off of a relatively old proof-of-concept project I’ve created, so the code isn’t the best but the game functions without a problem, despite a few errors.
The game has never been advertised other than word of mouth, but the user retention and stickiness isn’t doing so good, despite the game not needing more than one player to function.
I’m also unsure how to advertise this game. I don’t want to design an advertisement as my game also appeals to mobile, so sponsors should be the way to go. I’m not willing to spend much of a budget at the moment until the like to dislike ratio improves, so let’s just say 5K (which seems reasonable).
Anyways, back to the main point. I need to know how the user experience is like on different devices (especially mobile) and for new users. The game is compatible with all devices according to my testing, but I’m always working to improve user experience for edge cases.
Users have reported difficulty in knowing what to do, so I’ve since added signs to explain a few things, but it didn’t seem to help so much.
I would very much appreciate feedback for my game. Thank you in advance. Keep in mind progression in the game is quite slow compared to modern simulators so I recommend sticking around for a little while or go to the “team” game mode.
Game link:
Also, there are a few known issues, so don’t bother reporting these as bugs:
- Sometimes glove will be duplicated when deploying.
- Music previous button restarts the song.
- Music next button stops playback.