Is my GFX Bad or i'm lost in life?

Dude! They are awesome! Keep sticking with GFX and improve your skills!

Awesome skills! Don’t downgrade yourself if you are just beginner, but they are definitely a great piece of art. Personally, my favorite is your clipart logos.

Best of luck,

Don’t give up, your designs are actually amazingly good :smiley:

Absolutely not, these GFX’s are great! Keep up the good work!

very professional.

i think the reason you think its bad, is because of the resolution merging, but A thats not auctally an issue, looks awesome.
B, easily changed with blurring.
People literally go to college to do exactly what you are doing. and you did it by yourself. :slight_smile:

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Your GFX looks amazing. All of them. Don’t give up hope. Keep doing it, it may assist you in the future of your careers.

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The graphics actually look incredibly good, genuinely. I think you should continue, they are pretty great. Persevere, its great art and you can keep going on. I don’t have much to contribute concerning feedback, not being an artist myself, but your post caught my eye. If you plan on continuing with art, you can do really good.

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