Is my gui good?

So i’ve been making a shooter game to test myself and i’m making the gui for the essential things that the player needs to know(health,stamina,gamemode,ammo and the time).

I haven’t seen any tutorial regarding gui so im open for suggestions :smiley:

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Honestly - it’s bad. No consistent style at all.
GUI can support images, gradients, and etc, with which you can experiment alot. Rn you have some bars with way too small text labels on them, and 4 more text labels with default font. Default font is good, but in your case only gamemode gui looks at it’s place.
Try to make health and stamina bars smaller, add outline to them OR make a background for them both. Time gui will be better to moved under gamemode, with same style. Reload should be either small white text with no background, or stylized as gamemode.


I think it’s pretty good, but the numbers on the health and stamina bar is quite small, which can be a problem for smaller screens. Maybe scale them up a bit?

Another thing you can improve on is the font. The current default fonts are a little boring, try playing around until it suits your style!

This GUI is decent. I recommend making the ones on the bottom left a bit bigger, and adding a black outline that’s visible if you want to. Otherwise, it’s nice! How long did it take to create? What game is it used in?

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thx for being honest it was my first time doing gui on my own :sweat_smile:
I’mma fix it I’ll update y’all in a while cuz homework :slight_smile:

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it took me like 30 minutes for the design, the scripting wayyy more but its worth it.
Im making a shooter with some gamemodes kinda like a mix of randomizer and item aslyum but way less polished bc im a solo dev😅.
thx for the feedback tho gl with ur games!

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