Is my inventory system problemtic?

I made a dictionary that stores all the player’s data through IDs and then gathers the data of the items through a Database (ModuleScripts, folders, etc.) in ServerStorage (models for swords, images, stats, etc.) and I realized that it feels kind of inefficient and long. Here’s a look at the dictionary:

local plrTable = { -- get data from database through IDs
    ["itemInventory"] = {
	    ["slot01"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot02"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot03"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot04"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot05"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot06"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot07"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot08"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot09"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot10"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot11"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot12"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot13"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot14"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot15"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot16"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot17"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot18"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
	["defenseInventory"] = {
		["hat"] = {
			["ID"] = nil},
		["torso"] = {
			["ID"] = nil},
		["leggings"] = {
			["ID"] = nil},
		["sword"] = {
			["ID"] = nil}
	["currencyValue"] = {
		["Gold"] = 0,
		["Gems"] = 0,
		["XP"] = 0
	["powerCards"] = {
		["slot01"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot02"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot03"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot04"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil},
		["slot05"] = {
			    ["ID"] = nil}
	["boosterCoin"] = {
		["ID"] = nil,
		["timeActivated"] = nil -- unix time
	["Perfume"] = {
		["ID"] = nil,
		["timeActivated"] = nil -- unix time

Please do note that I’ll be adding more data to this as I develop my game. Is this inefficient and will this cause a lot of problems (e.g taking too long to load, delays)

TL:DR: I store playerdata thru ids then get the data in serverscript. will this cause any probs?

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Organize it however you like. Won’t run into any issues with data loading too slowly.
About the slots though, maybe only save the slots that are being used. Can have a variable called MAX_SLOTS if you want to have a certain amount of slots.


I’m actually kind of copying Minecraft’s slot system where you can move items around the hotbar/backpack however you like. I guess I could simply do this:

["itemInventory"] = {
    [insert itemID] = {
        ["slotNum"] = nil},

and when another item is added, I simply insert another dictionary. Would that work?

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that might make searching difficult when you want to figure out what item is in slot number ___ because you’d have to go through each item and look at what slot number they’re in.

what I meant by only saving the slots that are in use is something like this:

if I wanted to put 15 dirt blocks in slot 5 I would say something like:

itemInventory[5] = {ItemName = “DirtBlock”, Amount = 15}

if I wanted to clear slot 5 I would say:

itemInventory[5] = nil

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Oh that makes sense. Thanks a lot!

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yeah, np. pm me if you have any more questions!!

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