Is my showcase game good?

I have made a showcase, which was meant to show how beautiful roblox can be, and i spent like 3 hours on it, is it good? or does it need more work? Still probably will think it is my best creation. :stuck_out_tongue:

Showcase: The Room [Showcase] - Roblox

The chairs aren’t mine tho. neather any of the textures/skybox (because i am bad at drawing, and 3D modelling) :slightly_smiling_face:

Screenshot of the game:


I can’t really see much in the picture. The blur is way too much and the floor texture looks weird.

I don’t think you could ask people to rate your work / creation.

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Ok i edited the rate from 0-10 part, I am going to improve about the texturing/blurring. Thanks for the reply.


Well, the room has potential. 3/10


Maybe add some more items into your room such as a couch, table, etc. Although it does have potential.

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It seems a bit plain, if you changed it into like a living room with couches, tv’s, and tables, it could be a good game.

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It isn’t bad but maybe add more items like @BakDoor said

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Looks a bit bland. I’d go for 3/10

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From the single image it feels like not much has been done yet you could experiment with adding additional details chairs, props, decorations ect.

Perhaps instead of including skyboxes try adding some terrain landscapes out in the scenery to make it feel more interesting it doesn’t really feel like a showcase since not much effort has been put into it.

While it does look like a alright start. Try to develop variety of shots rather then a single image, since not much has been done, I encourage you to invest into putting more effort into your little creation since not much feedback can be provided yet little ideas well improve it! :slightly_smiling_face:

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  • Add furniture
  • Make it a little bit of clear (so that we can see it)
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I don’t really like the blur of the screenshot not gonna lie, just add some furniture’s and it will be way better.

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The room itself is really boring - but im sure you knew that - however all the technical aspects are very good, lighting works well etc, creates a warm realistic style. Very good :smiley: Just add some more decor.

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A showcase shows off your ability, what is someone special to you, some show off their building skills and how they can make detailed builds others show off scripting abilities and create entire worlds before your eye, some show off story telling abilities and can draw you into a world of their design, what I see here are chairs, a room and a window, people pour their soul into showcases or spend hours and even days on a single building, this doesnt have either, to really level up your showcase you have to put you into it, something only you can add that leaves people in awe

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I’ll work on it :stuck_out_tongue: