Is my UI/UX too Complicated for Users?

Heya Creators!

So, I’m working on a Booth-Style of game, and I got to the Edit Text and Images part. I’m concerned that my current way of editing TextLabels and ImageLabels might be too complicated.

Here’s the workflow:

Video of how it looks

Why This Method?

I want to tell you why I decided to go for this method instead of displaying all editable TextLabels and ImageLabels. The current idea is that Kiosks (Booths) are User-Generated, and that allows users to place multiple Labels inside of their Kiosk (Booth) product. Displaying those Labels, and telling users which Label they’re editing without showing which one they’ve selected in the workspace would lead to terrible UX all around.

Alternative Approach

An alternative approach I had in mind was to highlight the current Label (In this case, the parent part) being edited. I decided to not opt for this approach because anyone with a small screen would have the UI take up the whole screen (I.E. Mobile Users), making the highlighter not even visible to them.

What Do You Think?

Do you think that I shouldn’t have gone for the Select-Part using a Selection-Tool approach? Any feedback is welcome! :tongue:

Is the UX shown in this example bad?
  • Yes, it’s bad UX
  • Somewhat bad UX
  • It’s alright UX
  • Somewhat good UX
  • Great UX

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Seems pretty obvious, if users have issues with it you can add a tooltip that directs users to it.