Is our game ready for sponsoring, etc.?

An “easy” mode, and no traps spawning under start/spawnpoint.

When I said Changelog is CanCollide false, I meant the invisible part that said “Changelog”. NOT the visible parts under it.

Oops. I didn’t understand what you meant then. I’ll fix that right away.

You also moved the part Z-fighting in the water (good). but now there is a gap between that part and another part.

Ok. Are there any other Z-clipping situations you found?

In pretty much every single map.

Got too high on this one.

Also, When i drank the invisibility potion, it didn’t go away.

Ok. What other maps can you get to the top on?

In the lobby, on the wedge path to the center, there is a gap between it and the floor.

When I died in a randomly generated map, The map dissapeared before i could respawn


Sometimes, more than 1 Golem spawn(is this intended?)

No, it’s not intended. We should fix that.

  • The tutorial needs some work (golem spawns but does nothing)
  • I’m able to shiftlock and run at the same time.
  • There isn’t an option to disable music.
  • you can beat levels in literally 3 seconds.
  • the UI looks quite outdated for 2023 standards.

But it does seem really close!


NO escape.

How did you even get there? What did you do?

Near where a hill is, I jumped on a box, and slid through a gap in an invisible part. I can show you later.

Ok. Another thing that is to be fixed.