Is our game ready for sponsoring, etc.?

We simply want to know whether our game is ready to be sponsored, or if there are some issues whether game based of graphics based that we should fix first. We’d also want to know if you would play and/or return to this game yourself.

That’s all.

Our game: Maze Craze.


~ NinjaFactory


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I think its safe to say your game needs a good deal of polishing -

  • I was able to walk outside the map on some mazes
  • There was some parts clipping on others
  • The GUI is kinda messy with how many colors there are, I suggest a color palette !
  • The tutorial is too short, should explain levers
  • Whether the spike trap is on or not you still die to it
  • Collision on some pieces lets you skip sections, or completely cheese the golem
  • Mike, Roy, and some traps seem to be having some troubles (unanchored)
  • Some easy maps take like, 3 seconds to beat

However I do like some of the game mechanics like the level-up items, the purchasable items and the lobby, Golem’s pretty smart and interesting, the maps are unique and the coins/exp are well balanced.

I’ll return to see how the game progresses but I do not think it’s ready for advertisements, take a day that would usually be spent adding to the game and use it for a cleaning-update.

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it’s good but i was insatntly telproted when I visted game. I think it is tutroial. but it never said it was turtoiral. I reccomend making a menu stating its a turtoial and adding play buttin. also the tuteroial mase was bad. Maybe add some basic decorations to it.

the buttn on ground, atleast in tutorial, is juts square. maybe make it rounded. and add a diamond plated metal plate stand for it.

What do you mean by the button on the ground? Could you elaborate further, as there our many grounded squares in our games, as well as many buttons.

Ya the lik green button at end of tutorial maze

I don’t understand. What green button at the end of the tutorial maze? Could you provide a screenshot?

The golem’s pathfinding broke/got stuck. My character colors didn’t load in when joinig a round. That one sound when you join a round is very annoying. Two golems came out of nowhere (the wall).

What do you mean by your character colors didn’t load in? I believe that’s either a lag or Roblox issue, meaning that there’s nothing we can do, and it’s the fault of either Roblox or your wifi.

My wifi has been spotty. 2 parts near the lake in the lobby are Z - fighting.

Oh, then that’s our fault. I thought you meant that your character’s assets were grey, as does happen when loading.

would you mind joining me-in game?

Sure, I would love to. I’ll join right now.

Fix all that stuff, and your game is good to go! You must fix the Z-fighting.

I don’t think I can remember everything. Could you summarize?

GUI overlapping, skins not fully loading, that broken camera(fixable by changing skins), Invisibility potion, slow down golem, Soccer ball can be kicked through the wall, and… I can’t remember anything else. I will message you if I remember anything else.

Ok, thank you for your time and effort!

Ragdoll on death, different golem skins, highlights for golems, no Cancollide for Changelog.

When do you want me to test again?

Whenever you want to. I’m not the boss lol.

When will most of these be fixed? What is your estimated date? I will test again when you are done with those bugs.

Well, our estimated date is by today or tomorrow, as I’ve fixed almost three of them already.

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