Is programming easy?

A good way to learn is via @boatbomber’s Lua Learning as it has endless tutorials of Roblox Scripting :wink:


No…? Programming implies using a compiler, but nowadays it’s used as a synonym. I’d call someone with that description a “computer scientist” or “a nerd with a degree.”

In terms of the main topic, as others have said, it isn’t “hard” so much as requiring practice. For some people it takes a bit more of a push to get started, but anyone can eventually become a good programmer if they keep at it.


It depends on who you ask, the answer is highly subjective and anecdotally differs. If you ask me, then programming is very easy and anyone can do it. The effort doesn’t come from writing the code but rather in understanding what you’re writing (the nuances, idioms, so on of a language) and knowing how to put things together in order to create systems.

I have been programming for exactly half my life (9 years, starting at 9 years old). I taught myself completely from the ground up with little outside resources in play. I can confidently say that I was writing good code 1-2 years in, but never understood what I was writing until 5 years later - even now, I’m still learning the nuances of the language. The same goes with Java and JavaScript: I learned how to write it in one semester worth of school, but don’t yet understand what I’m writing or how to put my knowledge together to make systems.

Like mentioned earlier, programming is like grab bag worth of jigsaw puzzles. Your system is the complete puzzle and the pieces are your knowledge and tools to get the job done. Often you might end up with a nice and easy puzzle, other times it may be one of those 1000-piece puzzles that you can’t solve easily - but can still solve nonetheless given time and investigation. Sometimes you need to outsource, like a YouTube video, to see how someone else does it then try it yourself.

Lua is a nice and easy language to get into for me because it feels like writing something out in English. The abstractions of the language also take care of a lot for you. I find though that learning high-level languages first makes it more difficult to get into lower-level languages because you aren’t used to having to do everything manually. It also contradicts your knowledge on the workings of something because then you actually understand how things are implemented.

This is my view on the matter. Hopefully it’s provided some useful insight.


If my opinion is valid: Programming is easy, mentioning that Lua is very easy compared to other scripting languages. But with my experience and my age (I’m 13), yes, it’s easy. And scripting can give you alot of advantages with math and english. Etc etc.

What is hard is to memorize statements, codes, etc. For example, it took me 3 months to memorize Object.Touched:Connect(function(obj), But when you get it, scripting becomes more easier. Till the point that you can make unreal things, games, etc. But who knows, maybe scripting is easy for me because i’m a big brain dude. But eh, i would recommend you to find some free models, if those models have virus, that’s better, because you are not going to insert them to make a game or anything else, i want to give you a challenge to read those scripts, and try to understand them. And tell me what you have learned or anything else. That’s what i did. I hope this help. No hearts pls.

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honestly once you learn some of the higher level stuff such as object oriented programming and module-based programming in roblox then it becomes more knowing how to fix errors then it is how to program


This depends on the person and what you are attempting to accomplish. I’m sure with enough practice and experience you will get the hang of it.

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It depends really. After learning syntax and logic, won’t be as hard as first.


I suggest checking out and, It’s what I used when I got started.
In my experience, and this is all subjective, I found learning the thought process behind it was the best way to go, then learning lua and everything else. I initially learnt with Pythen, the Lua, the Roblox Lua, Then C# and Unreal Engine Coding Blocks.


I started programming at a young age (from 9 to 12 (vague so people that know me that see this post can’t actually find my age that I don’t like to disclose on the Internet)) and it has always been easy to me.

However, it heavily depends. As literally EVERYONE said in this topic, there’s no real answer to your question, it depends on you.

Edit to this post that I feel appropriate: I do remember having some struggling with programming in the past. I was young tho.


Well, easy or not its depend on you. Once you got the concept, understand each function, commands, and features. Things will be straight forward.

I would advice you to watch more of scripting tutorial videos to explore and learn.


A good place to start is youtube tutorials.
After you have learned the ropes of some basic things (like functions, events, variables), you can experiment with values and properties of different things in studio.
This will help you learn new things, and give you a good idea of the bigger picture.
Don’t do too much at once. Take a break every now and again and don’t be afraid of failure


The way that I started was having a project that I was very passionate about. For me, it was this obby game that had only 25 lives. I wanted to make an obby game like that, and my first hurdle was finding a way to implement a lives mechanic. I searched up “lives system” on the toolbox and lo and behold, someone had already made one. Then, I started to watch AlvinBlox for other mechanics required, and I realized how inefficient the old code was. Free models are a great way to learn mechanics of Roblox Scripting. Good luck in your journey.


For me I would say that programming Lua is hard. I have a hard time understanding it but now I’m still tryna get it. When it comes to web development however it is super easy. I mean like making peanut butter and jelly sandwich easy. I was able to learn html and css in week, and in that time period I was able to learn and create a fully functional website with a ui gradient button(s) and sections that did different things. I even published it to github and was making another website similar to the first but much better until I screwed up my dads computer by installing linux and wiping all the data during the installation process. So that said it varies from person to person. For me I wish I was more
fluent in lua than html and css.


From my experience, aside from it already being well known, the avidity for knowledge concerning programming is really fueled by one’s interest for doing it, it could be due to any reason at all, but in the beginning when I start typing my first lines of code (after months of examining and trying to mimic inspiring “Toolbox” code) and couldn’t achieve what I was trying to do, I didn’t give it up even after days of trying to do simple tasks (like making a part change color, just for the thrill of it) and as I saw similar lines of code in different scripts for the same function, they just got engraved into my my memory and I used those wherever I could, to prove to myself that I in fact, did understand code and thus, I was a programmer.
Later on I found this forum and it’s amazing resources and learnt what those words I typed in code actually do and what’s the best way to utilize them and how to avoid deprecated functions etc.
this understanding was also aided by the Developer hub’s explanation of the ‘basics’ in coding .

After that all I wanted to do was get in the forum, which I did and stayed active daily from that day on wards , and helped other learning-programmers.

Basically the purpose of this , what now looks like an excerpt , is to tell you that if you’ve got a genuine interest then you shouldn’t get a chance to ask this kind of question.

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Well, it depends.

I’ve programmed for a while and I still feel like I’m not good at it,
but that’s what I feel for myself.

Sometimes I think it’s hard, but it’s the same as math being hard.
Math isn’t hard if you know the Fundamentals, Rules, Logic etc.

Some things might be easy with Programming, thinking logic might be hard,
I’m still trying to get better at thinking logically when programming.
You might get frustrated when something doesn’t work for you, which is a thing
alot of devs get.

Learning APIS is probably a thing that is hard for many, I’ve had problems learning the ROBLOX Api, but slowly things are coming together.

I’ve moved back and forth from LUA, Python, C# and Javascript.

Hope this helps explaining if programming is hard

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In my opinion it is very easy I learned it decently in just two moths first try the basics like Transparency, Can-collide, Inf Loops, a GUI X Button/ open button!


Yep, I’ve watched PeasFactory for some things I had to learn and tried playing around with Programming myself.

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(PeasFactory) His tutorials are old and outdated I think. And he doesn’t upload anymore :frowning:

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