is programming easy, I’m having a hard time learning to program, so if possible please share your programming experience with me.
Funny enough, there’s no easy answer to this. Programming is easy, logical, intuitive for many and is hard and confusing for many. This includes anybody in between. Learning resources also have a dramatic effect on how well you learn. One resource might not be as effective in teaching you as another.
For me, programming was confusing in my younger ages (10-14) and became increasing easier as I got older. I’ve always had a logical mind so it seemed very intuitive. It became like a set of puzzle pieces I could put together to turn a seemingly simple mechanic into a complex one. Its all about using the tools you have to solve a problem and often involves breaking a problem into very small components.
I personally started with the official Programming in Lua book and after that it was mostly memorizing the Roblox API.
Well, some parts of it can be easy, other parts can be hard.
Best thing you can do to learn and to become a pro is to stay dedicated and study on the different functions and abilities of Roblox Lua.
I recommend watching AlvinBlox or taking other Roblox programming courses.
You can also read up on all the abilities of Roblox lua and how to use them on
Good luck with your programming and I hope you succeed in learning Lua.
You can also check out the Lua website which will give you an understanding on what it is, but Roblox Lua is slightly different to Lua.
As others have implicitly mentioned, there’s no definite answer to your question.
Programming is not just something learned, its something done with passion and ambition. If your heart doesn’t lay in the area of programming, don’t force yourself to do it because you need a lot of motivation to keep yourself going with it, more than you can imagine.
In reality, nothing comes easily, it’s all worked hard for. I started learning programming back in 2017 and the most I could do is change part properties at the time. I learned how to code on my own since YouTube videos were no as effective as I thought they would be. The issue with YouTube videos is there is a lack of application which tempts you think that everything is “hard coded” and only has one direction, no. Coding can be done in hundreds to thousand different ways. It’s much more than just copying and pasting code from a YouTube video.
If you’re having a hard time learning, it’s something we’ve all been through, and that should challenge you to learn more and do better. You have to understand the process of learning it as well because you can’t just jump from API to Lua to Optimization to what ever other area.
Start first with the very basics, Roblox Lua. Get an understanding of the language and try to know it by heart. At this stage, copying code is understandable, but try to avoid it. Always try to visualize programming with numbers, it will always make more sense that way.
Once you’ve mastered the language like your mother tongue, try to hone your skills. Add a little challenges. Try to use the API and Services of Roblox and make something work. It doesn’t need to be perfect yet. While you are learning, we make mistakes, but what’s important is your code works. At the end, do some minor optimizations.
Lastly, you need to do some polishing. Try to learn from other people’s coding style. This way you can compare and see which would work best. But don’t rely too much on other people’s style, keep in mind that you are making your own and no one can define your style.
Everything is a continous learning process. Even if you become a professional, you still need to learn. I hope you continue trying to learn, it may seem all impossible and confusing right now, but Roblox didn’t become a huge gaming platform with a perfect history all in one day. It took many mistakes and years to get where we are now (regardless of the multiple dozens of server outages recently).
Good luck on your journey
Coding is easy.
Programming is hard.
Programming implies you integrate and interpret computer science on a high level. Coding is just putting together code, knowing it works but not why/how.
Programming is hard in the beginning but if you learn more and more it gets easier.
The hardest part i had was developing a traffic light system on a microcontroller and
my final exam in programming i made a software in C#, the entire UI was made by Code and it was responsive.
Programming in Roblox is pretty easy if you dont want to create like a random generated world and other stuff which is complex
I’ve only started programming maybe in August and I got to say, I’ve come a long way. I’m not the best programmer, but I can do somethings, hard or not. So with that said, it’s not the most difficult thing. All you have to do is understand each function and how you can manipulate it to do something you desire.
Roblox lua is mildly easy to learn 7/10
Also this is belongs in
Thank you .Now i will star with Lua book .
Programming is easy, but programming well requires a bit of practice. I wouldn’t say that it’s hard, since I find that pretty subjective, and I also find it to be pretty demotivating. A simpler way of saying this would be:
Doing [blank] is easy, but doing [blank] well requires a bit of practice.
A great way to get good at programming is to do it a lot(essentially, practice programming). Learning something is one thing, but to solidify the knowledge, you need to practice.
Hope I helped! If I made any mistakes, let me know!
Edit: “easy” is also a pretty subjective term, but I’d say that in this context it would mean “to do without struggling”
Some might say it is easy, some might say it is hard.
It all depends on your determination for learning Lua.
I personally found it fairly easy, yet challenging to apply to loads of different things.
If you really really want to learn Lua, then it is easy, but if you are like: ‘Yeah, sure, ill try it to make money’ then it would be harder.
Hope this helped.
Thank you guys .i will remember all things you guys teach me today.It helps me too much.
I can’t say for others, but in 3 months by watching all sorts of tutorials and learning from experiences i’ve learned a lot of stuff and i think i’m medium level at scripting.
Can you give me what did you watch?
Sure, i can just link you to this very helpful channel that helped me a lot.
This channel also helped me a lot, too.
I agree. Both @Alvin_Blox and TheDevKing are really great teachers/tutorial guides. I have used some of their videos to influence my development!
Definitely recommend watching them!
I’d also recommend watching PeasFactory as he has great tutorials.
If youre a beginner then understanding some concepts or having a grasp on them might take a while. Lua is a perfect language for a beginner to learn about most of the concepts. In the ends it depends upon you from what sources you learn, how much time you dedicate and how you relate one thing from another.
Good luck
While other programming languages may be difficult to get used to, Roblox Lua is especially designed for developer convenience. The syntax is quite easy to get used to because it’s basically dot notation (like script.Parent
). The only ad advanced aspect of our system is Object Oriented Programming (OOP) which is written a little differently.
As for experience, I picked up on Roblox Lua’s syntax very easily. The only thing that I’m still progressing in is remembering the distinct properties of certain objects, the associated parameters, and of course, OOP.
In the end, everyone is learning and no one is perfect (just yet). Don’t worry about Roblox Lua being too much, because for the most part, you’ll be all fine!
well if you learn how to script then is easy, but if you no know how to script then is preety hard on the start.