Is RenderStepped faster and or more efficient than using a while loop with wait()

Is RenderStepped faster and or more efficient than using a while loop with a wait() code running

And is it faster?
The API also says it’s deprecated, does that mean I shouldn’t use it?

It says you can use it with camera and character, it says use instead ‘Heartbeat’ but that says deprecated as well?

If client’s FPS rate isn’t lower than 30 FPS then yes, RenderStepped is faster and more efficient although you should use Heartbeat or Stepped instead.
API says RenderStepped is deprecated because of the new PreRender event that is not activated yet so you still have to use RenderStepped event.


Ah dang, would you be able to give an example when it would be smart too use renderstepped over a while loop?

And is it more efficient?

Oh another question, if you’re running a local script. Lets say this script is using a loop, that script only runs on the clients side right? Wouldn’t affect the rest of the games performance if lets say 100 scripts were all running some unefficient code (if it’s all local scripts running only for x player) This I’m wondering about.

You use RenderStepped for things related to client’s camera or for constant viewportframe updates. Like this glass screen break on camera in this post for example:

Yes, it is.

Yes, the code runs on client’s computer so it wouldn’t affect the server and rest of the players.

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The reason they say they’re deprecated is that RunService events are getting renamed (along with an additional event). You can definitely still use RenderStepped, just change the name once they fully release the update (the new names and the new event are already listed in the RunService API).

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