Is Roblox + Discord in-game integration against ToS?

I am planning on making a system in-game where, if you link your Discord account to your Roblox in-game, and boost a specific Discord server, you will get in-game benefits. PolicyService will be used for detecting whether the user is allowed to see content related to Social Media such as Discord.

I am wondering if this is against ToS. Apologies if this is placed in an incorrect category.
Thank you!

Im not sure but you should read their TOS, I believe it is

It’s just because I’m pretty sure integrating Discord and Roblox using PolicyService is legal, but I’m just not sure if the Server Boosting part is legal. I highly doubt there will be a mention to that in ToS.

Thing is though, I know PSX had a system (don’t know if it still does) where if you follow them on X, you get rewards, so.

i think u cant give In-Game Benefits for External Actions Like Providing in-game benefits for actions taken outside of Roblox, such as boosting or joining a Discord server, may be considered a form of incentive that could violate the terms related to third-party promotions and incentives.

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Interesting, do you have any idea how PSX managed to get away with it then? Do you think it was just Roblox preserving a game that made them the most money?

I dont know probably they let slide a lot of stuff, even mersh isnt allowed but they let them

Do you know where in the ToS it says merch/providing in-game benefits for external actions is disallowed? I’ve checked and I cannot find any reference to it, other than not to direct users off platform w/o PolicyService.

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