Is roblox physics really good for large scaled destructions?

I’m trying to recreate large scaled destructions for my games, but I’m not entirely sure if using the standard roblox physics engine will literally break everything or not.

The only possible solutions I can think of are anchored destructions using tweens but it would still take a lot of effort.

Video example of frostbite3 bf4 skyscraper knockdown:


If you explode this house:

expect everything to move 3x slower.


Are there any ways of destroying massive objects without having the moon gravity effect? Other than using tweens can scripting control physics?

I don’t think so, but simulating said building on the client can definitely improve the destruction.

unanchor everything and use custom physical properties

Im pretty sure in battlefield is the building collapse is precalculated… if you blow up you building is studio and record the CFrame of all parts every frame. then turn physics off and just set the position of each part using this CFrame table it should be way quicker.

If say the parts are big and not detailed like a building can have at max say 200 parts then you can do that without making custom physics however for more relaistic looking collapse I’d say see what others said and also wrong category, this should go in #help-and-feedback:game-design-support

rip bitrate, the random spikes weren’t related to physics but something with studio and OBS in general

This was with Adaptive physics and with the Experimental Aerodynamics, overall it did in fact explode like a house made of Plastic bricks, with the lightness of the Plastic causing it to fall “floatier” than normal (just changing the Material to Brick tripled it’s Mass).

I also checked the Physics debug menu and can say with certainty that the physics was never throttled and stayed at 100% speed.