Players in my game keep getting stuck in the ground from a BodyVelocity. This bug used to not happen but started to happen when I changed the MaxForce from something like “1000000,1000000,1000000” to “math.huge,math.huge,math.huge” I think. I just need to know if this is how this bug has possibly been going on and I’ll change my code right away.
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I set my vehicle MaxForce at math.huge limits, and don’t have any issues… have you changed your Velocity values at all? Or the player mass?
It doesnt change anything, i do the same and my game is fine
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It might be my ragdoll mechanic then. Thanks though, I’m getting closer to figuring out this bug
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what did you learn? Would appreciate it b/c im deciding weter or not to use math.huge or like a random value