I have as of recently been looking into the bit32 libary and I have understood it pretty well and I looked into bitpacking, now I am wondering if storing a binary sequence instead of a dictionary for the player’s data would be worth it.
For context this is how the player’s data is stored currently, in the dictionary form:
Currency={Coins=,Level=,Xp=,Playtime=, so on...},
Here is how I might store it in binary:
1011_0111_1010_1110 1011_0110_1010
The underscores are to be replaced by the binary form of the number of that currency/InventoryObject that the player has.
The half byte sequences like 1011 would represent the value names. Although I might have them at 6 bits or even a byte so that more than 8 values can be stored.
I am not sure if it would be worth the effort though, but what are your ideas?
It actually might be worth it depending on how much keys you are storing AND UPDATING as every time you append something to that array it performs a costly sizing operation which could be detrimental on the server and you got lots of people. However, unless you are making the next Starscape AND are planning to have players of more than I want to say 30 it isnt worth it
The currency keys would amount to around 5-10 (currency is refering to the data that works as currency aswell as user data; such as playtime). But the Inventory keys may get into the dozens or even hundreds.
Should I store Currency in table and Inventory in Binary then?
What I really meant by updating was “appending” (adding one to the end of the list). If you just create them and just stick to using those indexs you’ll be fine but you might get some cache locality straining problems if you are “flushing” (setting table to nil) the contents and reappending them
Well, it all comes up to how difficult it is to update my storage system.
Here is my script for loading, saving, and managing data changes. Basically the backbone of my datastorage system.
local RepStore = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local SvrStore = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local DatStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local PlayerDataFolder = RepStore.PlayerData
local InfoStore = DatStore:GetDataStore("PlayerData")
local ToCall = game.ServerStorage.Events.DataCall
local ServerStore = DatStore:GetDataStore("ServerStore")
local CurFormat = {"Level","Token","Xp","Coin","Playtime","Streak","GameJoinD"}
local Conversions = {Score="Xp"}
local function UnloadPlayerData(Player: Player)
local IDList = ServerStore:GetAsync("IDlist")
if not IDList then IDList = {} end
if not table.find(IDList,Player.UserId) then
local PlayerID = Player.UserId
local suc, err = pcall(function()
local PlayerData = InfoStore:GetAsync(PlayerID)
if not PlayerData then -- adds player data
warn("data empty")
PlayerData = {}
PlayerData.Inventory = {}
PlayerData.Currency = {}
local Currency = PlayerData.Currency
local Inventory = PlayerData.Inventory
for i, v in pairs(CurFormat) do -- goes through the format
if v == "GameJoinD" then
Currency[v] = os.time() -- os date
Currency[v] = 0
local PlayerFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
local CurrencyFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
local InventoryFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
PlayerFolder.Name = PlayerID -- adds currency and inventory folder
PlayerFolder.Parent = PlayerDataFolder
CurrencyFolder.Name = "Currency"
CurrencyFolder.Parent = PlayerFolder
InventoryFolder.Name = "Inventory"
InventoryFolder.Parent = PlayerFolder
if not PlayerData.Currency and PlayerData.Inventory then -- adds ^
PlayerData.Currency = {}
PlayerData.Inventory = {}
local Currency = PlayerData.Currency
local Inventory = PlayerData.Inventory
for i, v in pairs(PlayerData) do -- converts old system to new
if table.find(CurFormat,i) then
local suc, err = pcall(function()
Currency[i] = v
PlayerData[i] = nil
for i, v in pairs(CurFormat) do
if not Currency[v] then
if v == "GameJoinD" then
local timeS = os.time()
Currency[v] = timeS
Currency[v] = 0
for i, v in pairs(Currency) do
if Conversions[i] then
local Conv = Conversions[i]
Currency[Conv] = v
Currency[i] = nil
if not table.find(CurFormat,i) then
PlayerData[i] = nil
for store, data in pairs(Currency) do
local IntHolder = Instance.new("IntValue")
IntHolder.Name = store
IntHolder.Value = data
IntHolder.Parent = CurrencyFolder
for object, amount in pairs(Inventory) do
local IntHolder = Instance.new("IntValue")
IntHolder.Name = object
IntHolder.Value = amount
IntHolder.Parent = InventoryFolder
end) if not suc then warn(err) end
local function PackPlayerData(Player: Player)
local PlayerID = Player.UserId
if PlayerID then
local PlayerFolder = PlayerDataFolder:FindFirstChild(PlayerID)
local success, err = pcall(function()
if PlayerFolder then
local PlayerData = {}
local CurrencyFol = PlayerFolder:FindFirstChild("Currency")
local InventoryFol = PlayerFolder:FindFirstChild("Inventory")
PlayerData.Currency = {}
PlayerData.Inventory = {}
local CurrencyV = PlayerData.Currency
local InventoryV = PlayerData.Inventory
for i, v in pairs(CurrencyFol:GetChildren()) do
CurrencyV[v.Name] = v.Value
for i, v in pairs(InventoryFol:GetChildren()) do
InventoryV[v.Name] = v.Value
if success then
local function TranslateCall(ToTranslate: {})
local callData = ToTranslate
local suc, err = pcall(function()
for i, v in pairs(callData) do
local PlrId = v.PlrId
local Ttype = v.Type
local value = v.Value
local LPlrFol = PlayerDataFolder[PlrId]
local SVal = LPlrFol.Currency[Ttype]
SVal.Value += value
end) if not suc then warn(err) end
You can’t store in “Binary”? You do realise those numbers are made from unicode/ACSII. So apparently that’s binary??? What you are doing is not “bitpacking” you are adding more data.
He could encode the binary as a string then convert it to base 64, or really whatever base for that matter. its just that there is only 64 characters that dont give you the question mark symbol
Yeah sure, you can use binary to reduce data needed to be stored, but you’ll still have to deal with Roblox servers limitation on pinging back and forth to the game server.
Is it worth saving that 2-3 KB just for 1 second faster? Probably not, you’re best off using normal datastore methods, because Roblox servers have limitations regardless.
If it were your own database, then it would be worth it.
You can’t write actual binary because it’s not an actual datatype in roblox. This means you’d have to use something external outisde roblox?(which would be inefficient)
2-3 KB may be on one save, the player could have multiple saves on the datastore. And each save may get into the dozens of kilobytes. So upto 50-200KB (might) be saved.