Is --!strict worse in any way?

Does using --!strict limit the number of things you can ever actually achieve while scripting on roblox compared to non-strict scripts? I’m thinking about learning Luau’s new --!strict syntax but I don’t want to invest lots of time and learning into it if it has drawbacks.

Honestly, it is not difficult to go to !strict and it does not limit the scripts, it even becomes easier with this type checking, since it points out common errors such as spelling errors, obviously it depends on what you program.

Can get annoying when you indicate an object in a loop

for _, Frame:Frame in pairs(Frames)
	Frame.Title.Text = "heya" -- all frames are the same

or in a function

function Title(Frame:Frame)
	Frame.Title.Text = "heya"

but it can be solved by changing :any or removing the part of :Frame.