Is Studio less laggy if The Game is Published?

I’m not sure if this belongs here, so please let me know where to put it!

I’m importing a large mass of terrain from Gaea and Studio keeps crashing.
If I published the place, would it be able to import the terrain without crashing?


I don’t think it makes a difference, the place would lag depending on how much terrain you wanted to import. If there’s a lot, I’d suggest doing it small amounts at a time if possible, last thing you want is to crash while you’re almost done importing. :sweat_smile:


Thanks for the feedback, I will try it out!

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I was importing the map at 4K studs in size, maybe I should reduce it 3,500 studs?

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maybe about 1 third of that at a time.


I sadly can’t import it like that. Gaea works a bit different.

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