Is the Developer Forum Post-Approval still experiencing backlog

The Issue
Greetings, as a normal Roblox Developer Forum member, it is currently concerning if my posts that are created in Post-Approval required categories will still get Post-Approved. I appreciate the Post Approval and the Community Sages hard work in maintaining to keep posts approved or not. I’m just concerned, though is there still a backlog the Post-Approval still experiencing?
I’ve actually started to get concerned when the posts I created in certain require post-approval still hasn’t been viewed or answered for the last 10 days.

Actually, there was a thread that claimed there was Post-Approval backlog last three months ago, and I’m uncertain if that backlog is still active up until now. I honestly, think that backlog is gone, since I could no longer see that thread in the Forum Feedback category.

I would really be interested to know in what’s the Post Approval’s opinion about this, as well as the community.

I believe most the backlog reported a few months ago has been solved and its back to normal, however post approval is still overstretched, hence your delays. all I can recommend is polishing your post to perfection since PA is more likely to approve it quickly if it requires no major changes, also apparently most members sort their inbox from latest first so replying to the post will only bump it to the back.


It’s very backlogged again.


I had to have a post approved and it only took a few hours. (This was about a week ago)