Is the Gadsden (Don't Tread On Me) Flag permitted on Roblox?

Hello, I am not sure where else to really ask this, but recent concerns of mine have led me to this topic.

If you are familiar with American history, you probably recognize the Gadsden Flag, aka the “Don’t Tread On Me” flag. Considering how the ROBLOX TOS is and how flags, emblems, and history are sometimes a questionable subject, is the flag permitted? While the flag dates back as a banner to the Continental Marines, it’s usage today is widely used politically, and with its symbolism distorted, I am making a game that displays various American historical flags within a building, the Gadsden Flag being one of said flags; the texture for it is seen below, and I’ve been told people before have been moderated for using or making assets containing the flag or its motto.

The usual rule of thumb is, if you need to ask, it probably isn’t allowed.

This should be bumped because I think this is a legitimate question that should be answered