Is the GUI positioned in a good way? Good use of colours? Overcrowded?

Title basically, I was mainly concerned about the wins/coins frame, not sure if it’s a good place or not. Let me know! Thanks in advance!


I like the GUI, maybe add some gradient shading would help give more depth.
I think it would look much better if the coins/wins were in the leader board instead of above in a separate gui or in a overhead gui just above the users head.

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Kind of wanted to keep coins private as some people may not want to share.
I could remove the wins Gui for PC/Tablet users and keep it for phone users as the leaderboard isn’t available there. Also wanted to avoid a BillboardGui as it could be distracting for other players, considering the game is based around obbies.

What do you think?

I will also add some gradient, thanks for that.

If you going to keep the coins private maybe move them to the bottom left and expand it like 2x the size so its maybe a little more easier to find, and maybe move the spectate to maybe centre middle or right bottom. :slight_smile:

You’re right, I could move them there, the spectate button could also cause issues for players on mobile. For the spectate button, do you think I could move it to the topbar in the style of the chat and menu icon instead? I think it’d look a bit strange in the middle but that’s just me. Moving it to the topbar probably would be more optimal for mobile users as well.

I love the use of green and red to show the exit or continue.
Maybe while this UI is active, add a blur effect to the background to give it some better looks.
I’m not sure if you have an active tween service location script on it, but if you don’t consider adding one in.

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If you wanted to add a blur effect or a tween service location script

local frame = script.Parent.Parent
local open ="BoolValue",script.Parent.Parent.Parent)
local blur = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.Blur

	frame:TweenPosition(, -250,-0.5, -240),"Out","Quint",1,true)
	for i = 10,0,-1 do
		blur.Size = i
	open.Value = false

Thanks for the feedback, as well as the blur script. I’ll try it out and get some opinions from my friends, who’re also helping with the game.