Is the Iron Cross version of German Reich flag allowed on Roblox?

Hello, I’m making a WW2 naval game similar to WoW. However as it is of right now, I’m using the modern day Germany flag in the game. And I’m considering using the historical flag (Iron Cross version of course) like this one:
However I’m not sure if it is allowed as I can’t find any on the creator marketplace to make sure it’s allowed.

  • It’s allowed you should use the historical flag.
  • It’s not allowed keep the modern day flag

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A common rule of thumb is: if you have to ask, it’s probably not allowed. It’s not a helpful answer but if you would like to be extra safe given the crappy moderation actions, go with the safest option (keep modern day flag).

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Not exactly, a lot of people on the DevForum asks DevEx eligibility questions such as: “I got warned once for a loud audio last year, am I still eligible for DevEx?”, and the answer is still yes.

The German Reich army does not specifically promote hate toward any communities, as it does not contain any extra information other than their basic military principles.

You’re right, tried uploading it. They got moderated.

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