Is the ReplicatedScriptService fully implemented yet?

So recently, we discovered a new service ReplicatedScriptService in the Insert Service... tab on Roblox Studio

When trying to do more investigation for this object we found the following information:

  • The wiki does not have any information about this object
  • The object browser states the object is used for running server and client side scripts under one service, which could be useful for organisation when dealing with module replication

A container whose contents should be scripts. Scripts that are added to the container are run on the server and the client.



Since the wiki has no information on this service, I am wondering if it’s actually fully implemented yet.

This object does not do anything when running in Studio, the object as of current is not implemented

It’s still marked as pending on the 430 release notes, so if I had to guess I’d say no, it’s not fully implemented/released yet.

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In my opinion: No.

I tried to add a script that prints 10K Times “Egg”, when i tested the game, nothing happened, so i think the Service is not implemented yet.

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