Hello, I’ve the following problem: I have a robot and I’ve two mesh representations of it. The first is a single mesh showing the full robot in a T-pose. I’ll call this representation “union” mesh. The second is a folder with a mesh for each part (the robot follows the R15 convention). I’ll call this representation “parts”. I also have a texture that when applied to the “union” looks very good. My problem is that when I apply the same texture to the “parts”, the final result is significantly more blurred (pictures below showing the comparison). According to my artist, both union and parts posses the same UV, so they should look the same. I’m not a digital artist, but I open the UV map for the “united” and for the lower arm (a limb that was affected by the blur) in Blender. What I saw was that in a 32x32 squares, the amount of space dedicated for the limb in the “united” model is bigger than in the lower arm. In other words, it seems the UV maps are not equal and the lower arm has more UV space on the “united” mesh than in the limb mesh. Can someone confirm if my artist made a I mistake? Since I’m ignorant in the subject I rather have the confirmation by someone who knows how this type of thing works.
Blurred part mesh
UV map for part mesh
United mesh focused on the same part)
UV map for the united mesh. I highlighted the region for comparison.