Is the Wagie Waggle permitted on Roblox?

Hello, I’m working on a game where you play as a minimum wage employee. In the game, I want key features such as if you say “livable wage”, you get fired. Along with random events where management forces all players to do the “Wagie Waggle” dance that Walmart has. Lastly, I want it so if you refuse to, you get sent to the Amazon Wagecage. Is this permitted on roblox?

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Image of the Wage Cage for those unaware.

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Wagie Waggle:

I don’t know why this wouldn’t be allowed considering there are far cringier dances out there, you should be fine.

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It’s particularly the feature of being sentenced to a cage for failure to comply that I’m worried about.

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i don’t think the wage cage would be banned on roblox as it is just a “jail” type thing

oh ok I see.

I would say mostly safe, there shouldnt be anything wrong with the cage itself, the only thing I can think of is that a roblox user can put on an inappropriate avatar and try to false report it for being sexual but that’s a worse case scenario, you should be alright.

That was my first thought, but because it’s associated with amazon’s, less than stellar record, I just wanted to get the opinion of other people.

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