I’m just making sure, since I’d like to emphasize how angry this particular NPC is about you getting away with crime in dialog, and it’s not a filtered word.
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I don’t see how it can be insulting or offensive in any way so I’d assume it’d be safe to use.
Honestly i dont see how it can be found offensive. It might change but i dont really think it’s a problem on roblox.
Based on Player’s ‘Age Filtering’, I think no. But if it is 13+ Filtering, yes it is safe to use.
“Freakin” is not profanity. Roblox will only moderate words that imply inappropriate context or typically anything greater than “hell” or “damn”.
For more information, I would recommend reviewing the community standards: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/203313410-Roblox-Community-Rules
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I saw “npcs are becoming smart” use it, so you should be fine