Is there a CFrame animation plugin?

Hello, so I am trying to make a helicopter animation where you can sit inside the helicopter and it flies you to a location. I’ve tried using moon animator cframe but I couldn’t export it. Is there any plugin that makes it easy to make CFrame animations or a easy way to script it?

you could use the built in roblox animator, or move it around places in the game you wanna see, copy the cframe components then interpolate it to those cframes you saved

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Can’t u use body movers for moving it and a hinge constraint for rotating the propellers? Believe me its not hard. And it’s extremely smooth too, and else u can use TweenService.

Ok so I have tried using Body Force and it doesn’t seem to work, I have made sure that my model has its primary part set, it has all the other parts welded to the primary part and made sure its unanchored and it still does not work. I think I might stick to tweening it.

There is no way it won’t work, try setting the force higher. I literally did this myself yesterday.

As you can see I put it to 500 and it still is not working, it only works when I set it to a extremely high value such as a million but at that point it just disappears.
EDIT: I tested this both with the helicopter and the plane and it doesn’t work.

Try making the plane massless. It’s probably bcz it has too much of mass. Make every part massless and try

Ok so I fixed it all I had to do was set the maxforce to math.huge, now Im a little confused on how I would use bodyvelocity to follow a certain path, would I have to calculate the time and make the plane turn after a certain amount of time or is there another way?

Yes, thats how you do it, or you could use invisible walls with collisions groups to push it.