There is an option in the terrain editor to generate random terrain. Maybe you could use this and then go over and change any things that you don’t like. Here is the Roblox documentation guide that talks about terrain. It tell how to use the generate tool. Terrain Editor
Well, I’m making a map for my game and creating by “hand” I guess. So there is different regions of the map that I want the player to explore but Roblox’s random terrain looks “ugly” which has big sploches of say for example snow on a hill.
Height maps man, Height maps.
Plan out your map in a painting software, I recommend Krita cause its like Photoshop but free, and then create a black image, then gradually draw layers, while trying to blend them
The higher you want the terrain the lighter it should be, the lower the terrain the darker that part of the image should be.
Something like this:
Once you are done with your heightmap, open the Terrain Editor go to “Create” then click “Import”
then select your file
choose your material
then click “Generate”
then voila you have a whole map in a few seconds! and if you don’t like the look you can manually fix it up a bit, or edit your image to your liking.