Is there a fatal flaw to this game idea that I’m missing?

``So, I’ve had a game idea stuck in my noggin and I can’t figure out why I haven’t seen it before. Is it just a really original idea? Is the Roblox engine just failing everyone? I have no idea. Let’s find out on the next episode of “ What am I doing?”(sorry)

My idea is to create a game based on the core gameplay feature that it is kind of like a 2D platformer, but instead of progressing through levels like your average platformer, you have one big open world, and you have currencies, shops, bosses, things like that. Basically like most metroidvanias. Examples of these outside of Roblox might be hollow knight or Ori and the blind forest.

Is this just an idea that has never been done in the style that I mean, or is there some big fatal flaw.

Also if this is in the wrong category please forgive me, I’m fairly new here. And if I need to take this down just say and I’ll do it right away

I doubt I have the skill to make this, I’m still not ready to make fully fledged games, so if this idea is really good enough for you to make, which I highly doubt it is, I don’t plan on making this anytime soon so if you wanna maybe, y’know, take the idea and profit from it, I wouldn’t be irritated.


I haven’t personally played a game like this before on roblox, but then again I haven’t played that many games. I’d guess the reason this genre isn’t more popular on Roblox is its difficulty to implement, but then again there were games like Maze Runner, and all those anime games which have open worlds…

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This will be a MMRPG Sandbox (Hard thing + Hard thing)
And since 2D games must be super high quality in order to beat normal ones (Hard thing + Hard thing + Very intensive quality)
So in simple words, it will take you a lot of effort and manpower

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And here I was thinking Paper Mario.

I believe the idea sounds good, especially for Roblox. Now, evidently, there will be a lot of effort required to pull this off, but I believe it’ll prove well in the end. I can’t think of a single 2D Open World game within Roblox. Sure, I can think of plenty 3D ones, but 2D sounds more unique, and would certainly grab attention.

There’s no flaw, at least inherently. It all just comes down to whether or not you have determination to pull off the effort.

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I doubt I have the skill to pull it off right now. Maybe in a long time if I stay with Roblox studio I might be able to attempt this, but for now I’m gonna keep it simple.

That definitely explains why I haven’t seen this idea before, although I have seen super smash bros inspired things.

Yeah, I definitely see why it’s an unpopular idea. Good to see it might be possible though!

Also hey, thanks for the first post

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2D games in general are hard to get popular. The game idea sounds good, but it’s how you present it that matters.