Is there a good way of detecting if a player is using a mobile or a pc?

I need a way to detect if a player is on computer or on mobile.

Now obviously i can do this using UserInputService,

if uis.TouchEnabled then
elseif uis.KeyboardEnabled or uis.MouseEnabled then

however it is possible to connect a keyboard and a mouse to a phone, and some computers do have touchscreen which would mean that a computer could get detected as a phone now in my case I am using this to change the gui around and if a computer gets detected as phone the gui just will not look good.

So is there a good way of detecting what kind of a device the player is using?

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You can use GetLastInputType() method and LastInputTypeChanged event to know the last used input and then enable the visibility of the buttons depending on the input

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It’s not really about visibility it’s about size, whenever I make a gui button for a computer its how I want it to be but then I change to mobile and it’s just too big so let’s say the keyboard would be the last input but the player is on a phone, the buttons would just be too big and cover up most of the screen.

You must be using Scale Size/Position Property instead of Offset, it automatically set the size/position according to the screen size, this will be a faster solution, AutoScale Plugin will do that for you, if you
have too many GUIs.

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That works pretty decently thanks.

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