Is there a good way to allow mulitple players to push an object without it bugging out?

The title
Basically if you have multiple players push a unanchored ball it kinda bugs out when the network ownerships are being changed, is there anyway to combat this issue? not sure where to start

Video of slight buggy-ness


You probably shouldn’t make change the network ownership to the client while it is being moved by multiple.

Server Ownership: Multiple players can see what physics is going on without a doubt.
Client Ownership: Only 1 specific player can see physics. People are moving the ball from a side to another and Roblox cannot render it on all clients thus making it teleport.

Hope this brief explanation helps.

Edit: I forgot to tell you that you should keep the ball on server sided physics.

I mean i wasnt setting any ownership before, so should i just set ownership to the server? to help with this issue? unsure if it’ll cause any issues tho

Side note setting ownership to server is just by setting it to nil right?

Yes. Set the ball’s network ownership to server.
Answering your side note, you do set the network ownership to nil.

alright thanks :+1:, ill give it a shot to make sure it works

coming back to ask, am i supposed to to constantly set ownership to nil or is there a way to disable the player gaining ownership over it?

also with setting it to server the ball now seems impossible to push and very jittery

You set it once and only once unless you want to come back to change it to the client. Also, try making the ball massless. It will make it easier to move.

With network ownership and the ball set to massless, im still unable to move it

Weird. Forget about network ownership. Remove the script and try that.

Was able to move it much easier, but this is basically step 1 so :thinking:

Try making the ball smaller. This may be easier to push and less buggy.

it is somewhat easier to move now (setting ownership to server)

but the main issue now is that i do kinda need it to be bigger for multiple players to easily push it (and to not have players walk over the ball itself)

Try keeping your ball the same size, settings networkowner to nil, then doing this in properties:

(mainly only change density)