Is there a limit to game developer products?

I was making a donation tab for my game, I wanted to add options for how much you want to donate so I wanted to make sure to know the limit of developer products so it doesn’t be a waste of time for me. I tried googling “Does ROBLOX Have a developer product limit on games” But nothing answered my question so I have to ask it here. So, If you know if there is a limit to game developer products, Please let me know.
Have a nice day/night and stay safe everyone! :smiley:

There should not be a limit otherwise the limit would be documented somewhere. But why the question? Aren’t there tiers (like 5k, 10k, 20k, etc) or do you plan on making 20000 developer products? lol

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No No No :smile: 20 thousand developer products is too much lol, I want to make options like 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 Robux (Basically x5)
And Thank you for letting me know that there is no limit!