Is there a max time limit for animations?

So I was making a large scale animation with moon animator and I was concerned if there was a max time limit for animations, because if you use moon animator you know you can animate multiple parts which can make animations really long.

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Kind of, like: you can only play 256 animations at once. But, you can load an infinite number of animations in a humanoid.


Oh, good to know, but I meant like how long an animation lasts, for example 1 minute or 5 minutes.

I doubt there being a limit for that. Most cut scenes are kind of that long so you’ll be fine. Just try keeping them under a minute or two because you could maybe overload the ram.


Ok, my animation might be a lil longer so I’ll split it into multiple animations that get played 1 by 1

If it’s just one 2 or 3 minute long animation then just load a single one. I thought you were going to load multiple.

Oh it’s maybe 5-10 minutes but I’ll split it into seperate anims of 2-3 min

Well, then it won’t make much difference. I said to literally make it SHORT, not separate it into pieces.

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