Is there a more "efficient" way to implement this?

Hi! so, i have this hierarchy at the moment:

As you can see, i’m storing some data for a playable nation, however, i feel like there’s an better way to implement this. Reducing the amount of intvalues, stringvalues and folders, not only that, but it also makes it easier to navigate through.
The ModuleScript has some values that can be returned with functions(Like one to return the nation’s name.)
So i need feedback on this, is there an better way to do this?

Honestly, you could just use attributes; have the server update the values of said attributes when needed, and have the client listen to changes made on these attributes. Attributes are easier to work with.

I think you should use ModuleScript instead and get client access to it by your own replication script, this lowers your memory cost but is generally harder to use, and implement.

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Thanks! i’ll try that one as i don’t want my game to be laggy.

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