Is there a plugin for datastore?

Hello, I would like to know if there are any plugins for datastore and to be able to save items, player, values, etc. in the game?

I’d really appreciate it if you could share something about it. Thanks you

There is DataStore Editor which can edit datastores. I don’t know any plugins which can create datastores.


No, there’s no such plugin. There’ a plugin for viewing data called DataStore Editor, however, it can only view. But, you can use Module called Data2, it makes data saving procces simplier, so you can view tutorials 'bout it.

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With data2 i could create and save my player information, values etc.? Create a save system

Yes, something kind of that. You can view tutorials on youtube, for example from AlvinBlox about this module.

No, you can also edit and add value with this plugin

yea, but its only gonna be for you, and this plugin costs 150 robux. So, you still need to script

Could you also create and save values and my player information with that plugin called datastore editor?

You can create values, but they gonna reset after rejoin, I guess ,so you should just find the tutorial about DataSore on Youtube or somwhere else, since it’s actually really simple to save data

No, its saving with the DataStore for everyone, i used it for debugging my script in roblox / studio client

Yes, but i recommend you to use DataStore or you can use DataStore2 (module made by community)


Thanks you guys a lot! :smiley: