I was importing a height map and it automatically sets its material to asphalt. I wanted to change all of the terrain’s material to grass without wasting too much time using the paint tool in edit tab.
How does that plugin help with OP’s problem? The terrain is already generated
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I already have the terrain so I don’t really need this plugin anymore. Thanks though!
I’m not aware of a plug-in that does this, your best bet is either to re-import the heightmap with a colormap specifying grass, or using a command line script to programmatically change the material of it all using the function @Ievantine posted.
the first method I posted should be easy enough, just make an image that’s only filled with the grass color mentioned in this table, and use it as the colormap.
Hi, It do it to me when I import HeightMap. If you want to make it grass, I Suggest you to take the Roblox Grass Terrain Texture
and put it in ColorMap setting:After Toogle it, Put the grass texture in Game Explorer : Assets and put it on the “select game asset” Box. Then, It will paint your terrain into grass. For more informations, You can surely find some posts. But for the plugin, I don’t know.