Is there a plugin to paint parts?

As the title of my post says, I was wondering if there is any sort of plugin out there that allows for easily recoloring parts (imagine the function as a bucket fill; you select your color and click the part, then that part becomes the selected color). To achieve this currently, I use the command bar at the bottom of the studio window and loop through the parts I want to recolor and apply a new color to them. I was wondering if any plugin is out there that can achieve this function because it would be easier for me to use a plugin like this instead of running code to do it for me. If anyone is able to provide help or support that would be appreciated!


Hey! There seems to be a solution to this. It is a plugin called Too many colours.

I’m pretty sure this will work. I haven’t used it in a while and I can’t test it while I’m on mobile. Let me know if it works!


I’d recommend using the F3X plugin!

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Yes, This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

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The plugin above is a good option, if you’re looking for a helpful plugin for recoloring a bunch of parts at a time or certain ones you could use PartPicker! As it’s a helpful plugin for recoloring or wanting to change the material in the parts being selected. It allows you to pick a part with the same properties, and modify them color/material:

You could play around and see how the the options work. It’s a suitable plugin for painting parts.

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All of the options suggested to me work so I can’t decide which one is best. It’s pretty much up to personal preference.

Ideally, it could be used around personal preference and what you feel comfortable using.

Even with plugin suggested above if you feel like that’s a more understandable option consider to go with that. If you feel like it’s a more easier plugin and a useful tool consider the space to use it. It all depends on which one has a more faster easier way you could expect to have both plugins installed and get comfortable with them and use them when needed.

In your case if they work for you, then go ahead and instill both options as it does come down to personal preference, it could be also a more faster method if you have a bunch of parts you want recolored in a simple click. Both plugins have understandable features and tools.

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Thank you now I can finally color something without so much hard work